ESPN has chosen the "1869 Photo[sic]" of the Rutgers-Princeton game as "'s Face" of the Rutgers football program. You can help choose "SportsNation's Pick" for that honor by clicking here. You can choose the "photo" or Ray Rice or Greg Schiano or Brian Leonard. What, no Paul Robeson? No representation at all from the 20th Century??
There were no cameras that could freeze sports action in 1869 of course, so "the photo" is actually a cropped and decolorized reproduction of the Arnold Friberg painting that was commissioned by Chevrolet for the 100th anniversary of the game in 1969. You can see it, and a little bit of its history, here and here.
[ESPN's inexact use of the written language continues on their Rutgers Team Page, where their ad for the ESPN Shop still (after at least a month) shouts: "RUTIGERS FANS, GEAR UP NOW!".
They also have a problem with their possessive case on the Comments page with the heading "Rutger's Face of the Program"; Rutger Who? Rutger Hauer?]
RU hasn't played real college football in thirty years. The association with Princeton is offensive. The logo should emphasize RU's commitment to professionalized big time football. Perhaps a red paint faced "student" shouting obscenities at a Navy player.
Dear "Anonymous",
Or we could all join you and your friends in Rutgers 1000 and shout obscenities at, and spread false stories about, our own alma mater.
The fact that many Rutgers students enjoy playing and watching football on Saturday afternoons and Thursday nights does not give you the right to put quotation marks around the word "student," just because they may not share your major, or weekend study habits. We all have, or had, different experiences at that vast wonderful world on the Banks of the Raritan (but like you, I'm just sorry we can't yell obscenties at those affluent assholes from Princeton anymore -- except during basketball season).
Hey TBL, I'm wondering what is up with the change in the announcer thing.
Is this a big deal? I remember out play by play being pushed out. Mostly for age, but still it sucked. Shoot me an email if you don't mind. I'd like to at least do a q&a during the season.
Dear Bloggers,
My name is Seth and I write an Ole Miss Blog (The Hotty Toddy Blog, I've written several blogs on how other universities and fans perceive Ole Miss and the SEC. In many cases stereotypes and ill will prevailed. Most people do not have a good impression of the SEC as many people in the SEC do not have a high impression of other conferences.
Ok, so why am I bothering you? I would like to start a blog organization that promotes education and good will between the conferences. How, you ask? Our blog organization, to be named something like "Good Sportsman College Sports Bloggers", would have blog swaps, polls, did you know articles and other activities that would help educate and foster good.
I have tagged your blogs as bloggers who might be interested in joining this organization. If you are interested, please respond to this email and let me know. Once everyone who is interested has replied a new note with more information will be sent.
Thanks for your time.
The Hotty Toddy Blog
PS. I added your blog to my hotty toddy blog links, feel free to add the Hotty Toddy Blog to your links
contact at
Dear tbl:
Individual study habits and experiences aren't the issue. The effect of big time football on both the continuing decline of RU's academics and the conduct of the student body at games should be of concern to the entire RU community.
Retreating into a state of denial when confronted by the arguments of RU 1000 is a disservice to the university. This group raises many valid points that are worthy of analysis and serious debate.
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